Every technology comes with advantages and disadvantages. If there has been cases of embracement of a technology, on the other side facts and theories are put forth to prove it wrong.
AI is a machine or a computer program that learns how to do tasks that require forms of intelligence and are usually done by humans. The two aspects of artificial intelligence are Machine Learning and Deep Learning. The major difference between us humans and the machine is that we learn from experiences but machines follow instructions. One of the reasons why AI is preferred as compared to manual work is, machines with AI technology show better working efficiency. The use of AI technology ensures work precision and improved productivity. It reduces the cost of employee training and the time. People who is suffering from deadly diseases will be benefitted since it can be used for disease diagnosis and treatment. The success rate of an AI detecting cyber research is pretty high and lies between the ranges of 85-99%. Machine learning can track data from the previous attacks and prepares for the next attack if so happens.
The financial industry is seeing a steady increase in the use of AI and machine learning for investment, and loan approval, advisory, fraud detection etc. The question that arouses is, does AI take away employment? History highlights the fact that technological innovations have always created more employment rather reducing it. Similar to every technological innovation, it is also assumed to make a difference in the present working structure.
Today, AI is heavily used for automation across several industries. Automation can be defined as the technology by which a process or procedure is performed without or minimal human assistance. To enhance the architecture design process, use of AI will be able to utilize tons of previous data in a millisecond, make recommendations .The applications like Amazon and Flipkart is using AI for showing us the most relevant products. Applications like YouTube, Instagram and Facebook make use of AI to show the relevant content we need to see. A number of countries including China, the United States, United Kingdom, and Germany have already inculcated artificial intelligence in their system.
The Indian government has also taken a step further in enhancing more technology-driven work but the increasing influence of AI on the physical world means it is also vulnerable to AI misuse. The more we use this technology, more we are burdening the environment. Autonomous weapons designed using AI for wars should not be misused. Cyber-crime is one example for the unethical use of AI.
Ultimately, AI’s success is depended on the knowledge we humans provide.
AI left unchecked to rule our lives is more of a risk than a benefit to society. An organization will face challenges like, winning the customer and third party confidence before introducing AI.
Trust in Artificial Intelligence systems can be earned only with time.